At the Edge: Flash fic

Prompt by Sora: You’re looking out the window when on a car drive. You could be the passenger or the driver or someone in the back. Why are you there and what do you see on this drive?

“One long bridge, coming up!”

Darla tore her gaze from the blur of greenery. “You said there wasn’t going to be one! Mom!” She shoved her feet into her shoes and gripped the car door.

To her left, Dennis laughed. “It’s just a bridge.”

“Shut up! What if it collapses while we’re on it? We’ll drown in this hunk of metal. Where’s the hammer?”

Darla unbuckled her seatbelt and reached for the glove compartment.

“Hey, watch it!”

“Darla, Dennis, sit down!” Their mother shot them both a glare. “Don’t you two want to be in one piece when we see Grandma? You won’t be if we crash.”

Darla frowned and fastened her seatbelt, muttering. “We’re gonna die. I just know it…”

Picking up his camera, Dennis scooted to the middle seat and powered down Darla’s window. The wind howled in their ears and whipped hair from their faces. “Move over, would you?”

“Get off!”

“I’m trying to get a good picture. Ow! Don’t hit me!”

The car bounced as its wheels rolled onto the bridge. Darla yelped and shut her eyes. Don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall….

Dennis snapped photos in rapid-fire succession and let out an appreciative whistle. “Hey Darla, look.”


“Just open your eyes!”

Darla gritted her teeth when Dennis’s elbow jarred her shoulder. Sucking in a breath, she squinted out her window.

Her eyes flew open at the sight of autumn-touched trees and a river so calm as to be a mirror for the setting sun. The trees’ shadows played against the river and a lone male duck speared the surface before disappearing behind a clump of tall grass,  briefly shadowed by birds passing up above. In the sky, a flock of birds danced in a V formation no matter how steep the swoop or sharp the turn was. The sun warmed her face even as it kissed the horizon.

All too soon, their car sped away and a wall of stone replaced the magnificence.

“That was…”

“Breathtaking, right? That’s what happens when you dare to live a little,” Dennis said with a grin. He raised his camera. “Smile!”

353 words.

Hello, everyone!

Our blog officially starts today, August 1st. I was supposed to post something on Monday, but it looks better to start on the first day of the month, right?  

Uhhhh… So a little about this story… This is my first attempt at writing flash fiction and I had a hard time ending it. I do like the descriptions I put in, but I still have some worries. I hope it’s alright. What do you think, dear readers? Is it a pass? ?/10? 

Thank you for visiting our writing blog. Enjoy the ride! 

I’ll see you again on Friday. Bye for now.

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