
L: Testing, testing, one-two-three. Hello?

S: Testing~ And it works!

L: Yay! Hello, Sora. How’s the world in the past?

S: Hiya L! Not much, it’s actually pretty sunny for once. How’s the future?

L: It’s pretty gloomy! No rain, but lots of clouds.

S: That sounds pretty nice, clouds are always pleasant to view on a typical day. They remind me how life seems to just passes by with no hurry but then when clouds all gather up a rainstorm or something equally huge occurs. (sees reader) Oh! Looks like we have a guest~

L: …Wait. What guest? (looks around) Oh! Readers!

S: Yup! (points at reader) That person, nice shirt by the way.

L: Yes, it’s very unique. I’ve never seen anything like it.

S: Moving on, welcome to our blog! (throws confetti)

L: Huzzah!! Welcome!

S: Shall we discuss what we’ll be posting? Oh wait, introductions first!

L: Oh true! Do you want to go first?

S: (gestures for L to introduce herself first)

L: Okay fine.

S: Fufufu~

L: Hello! I’m Vivian. You can call me that or L. I love writing anything fiction that involves magic, but I’m afraid I won’t be writing much fantasy on this blog. Sad life.

S: Well, technically you can write about magic but like depending on the prompt. But I’m getting ahead of myself. (turns to L) How should I introduce myself? Funny? Dramatic? Monotone?

L: Dramatic!

S: (salutes) Dramatic it is~ Hiya readers! The name is Sora Hono also known as the Defender of Heroes! Since that’s what writers do you know, defend the stories that would otherwise be left forgotten. I’m also a jack of all trades when it comes to fandoms. Since I’ve got a vary of interest that range from writing to befriending dragons.

L: Great! Now that we’ve introduced ourselves,  it’s time to introduce the blog.

S: This blog (waves and spins in a circle) will be a challenge blog.

L: We will try to write in styles/genres we are unfamiliar with or are uncomfortable writing about.

S: Although, not to torture each other too much we’ll also be writing in our normal style, though sparingly.

L: What should be the maximum per month? The max for writing the way we prefer, that is?

S: Probably just twice at max. It really depends on how many times we’re posting per month which would be at least twice (each) every other week. So, a month has four weeks in it normally right? Let’s say I post the first week on Monday then Friday, the following week you’ll post on Monday then Friday. From there, I’ll post the week after you.

L: Sounds good. The other posts need to be a little challenging for ourselves. We could decide on our own, or we could be prompted by each other. If we aren’t able to complete the challenge, there is a….(whispers) penalty!

S: (cackles) A penalty~ Shall I reveal the terrifying monster it is? Or shall you?

L: I know you’ll have fun, so you reveal it!

S: (sniggers) So, first thing, we each will challenge each other with a prompt. Our job as writers is to complete that prompt before the ending of our writing week. Failure to complete the prompt results in a penalty of having to write in the style that least suits us.

L: In my case, it is poetry.

S: Oh you’re not that bad, stop underestimating yourself. As for me….there’s a reason I consider myself a jack of all trades.

L: Thanks for the encouragement ~ Our readers can help critique our writing, too! We love constructive criticism even if we might mope in a corner for a few minutes afterwards. We value concrit very much. Maybe some of you could help me find a penalty for Sora? I’m short on ideas!

S: Mope? I’ll be growing mushrooms in the corner. Sort of like a few anime characters would in a dramatic fit of comedic sadness. I look forward to the penalty. Fufufu~

L: Those scenes are funny in anime. What else do we need to mention? Oh right. The themes!

S: Ah yes, the themes! So every month we’ll have a theme that the challenges/prompts will be based on. For example, this month’s theme is traveling.

L: Also, please excuse the difference in spelling between our posts, because I spell “travelling” with two Ls and “colour” with a U (among other words that follow Canadian spelling). Heheh.

S: Right! While I’m based in the States so there’s a bit of difference. Anyway, we hope you enjoy your stay here at the Weekly Wanders of Waking Writers!

L: Indeed! I’m glad you dropped by. So. Our first post. I have no idea what to write for our travelling theme, and Sora said she has a prompt for me. Did you come up with one yet?

S: Nope. But I will…you’ll see~ *pops away*

L: Should I feel nervous…? Alright. Bye for now, dear readers!  *disapparates*

S: *pops back in* Bye! 💜 Be sure to shut the door on your way out~ *pops away*

L: *pops in* Yeah, keep it cool! *pops out*

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